Dr Bhavna Banga

When a woman is unable to carry her pregnancy in her womb due to medical, or depilating uterine pathology, she hires the womb of another healthy woman with a healthy womb to carry her pregnancy.

  • Congenital absence of the uterus.
  • Severe uterine scarring post infections.
  • Surgical removal of uterus in view of malignancy/ postpartum.
  • Repeated implantation failure.
  • Medical condition where in the life of the woman would be at risk if she would carry on with pregnancy – severe form of heart disease.
  • Gestational surrogacy.
  • Donar egg surrogacy.

Prior To Starting The Surrogacy treatment, the Intended Parents consult The Embassy Of their country To ensure they are able to get citizenship of their country for the baby.

We work with a reputable ICMR registered Third party Reproductive agency who Assist in the surrogate recruitment and the legal formalities.

There is also dedicated team of doctors, lawyers, paramedicals, social workers who would be a part of your journey through the the surrogacy program.

At present all the rules and regulations are followed according to the guidelines for the accreditation, Supervision, and Regulation of ART Clinics in India http://icmr.nic.in/art/art_clinics.htm set by the Indian council of medical education and research.

The surrogacy agreement

The intending parents enter in to a surrogacy contract with a surrogate mother and her husband if applicable.

Surrogacy agreements are prepared by an advocate. The contract is usually signed, in case of station patients when they visit Delhi and in cases when the sperm or the embryos are shipped to Delhi or there is a change of surrogate mother, the contract can be signed in the client’s home country provided they are witnessed by a notary public.

Birth Certificate

In case of single parent only the genetic mother or father can be on the surrogacy agreement and the baby’s birth certificate.

For couples, both parents names appear on the birth certificate provided one parent has a genetic link with the child. The Delhi municipal council issues birth certificates. It’s wise to have the birth certificate of the child be stamped with an apostle seal. The apostle seal is an internationally recognized seal and gives the birth certificate legal validity in countries outside India.

DNA Testing

International clients cannot use both an donor egg and and an donor sperm or a donor embryos with surrogacy, as a genetic link between the baby and at least one parent is required by the Embassies of most countries to grant citizenship and a passport to the baby. A genetic link is established through DNA testing of one parent and baby. This is a mandatory requirement for citizens of most countries.

Bringing the baby home

Babies born through surrogacy agreements are not given Indian citizenship by virtue of the fact they are born in India.

For assistance with the citizenship and passport applications, following are the requirements of the embassies:

  • Signed copy of the surrogate contract.
  • Baby’s birth certificate.
  • Parents birth certificate.
  • Pregnancy medical records.
  • Signed statement by the surrogate mother and her husband waiving parental rights.
  • Treatment summary.

Duration of stay in delhi after the birth of the child

It may take 2 weeks – 12 weeks, depending on the citizenship of the intending parents, and the embassy working schedule.

Whenever the couple/patient needs a surrogacy program to achieve parenthood, they come for an initial consultation which includes a through medical and physical examination.

Then the intending parents meet our registered third Party Reproductive agency and understand their terms and condition and once they have understood the prerequisites, then the surrogates are sent to the the doctor for medical screening. The initial non-medical screening done by the agency, as per the ICMR guidelines, which may take 5 working days minimum and would also depend on any specific the requirement of the intending parent.

The synchronization of the menstrual cycle between the surrogate and intending parents is via a birth control pill and may take 2-3 weeks. We however have a premium recruited surrogate program running where, screened surrogates are available to select from.

The care of the surrogate during the IVF prog, during the pregnancy including the antenatal medications, their stay, their delivery is via the third party agency. We are however aware of the obstetrician taking care of the surrogate during pregnancy.

Similar to as mentioned above expect that the donor screening as well needs to be done with surrogate screening. The screening guidelines here are as per the ICMR.

Not permitted in India at present. However have affiliations outside India. For more details can email at [email protected].

  • From where can I get a surrogate ?
    Either you can get it from a ICMR registered Independent Donor Agency or can be in your relation eg sister, aunt etc.
  • Can we meet the surrogate mother?
    Yes of-course, even prior to selection and even during the ongoing pregnancy.
  • Where does the surrogate stay once she gets pregnant?
    Depending on the terms and conditions, agreed at the initial contract period. We do have a facility of in-house residential program for the surrogates.
  • If we choose our own surrogate mother from the relationship, do we still need to enter a legal contract ?
  • From where do these surrogate mothers come ?
    These are women who are basically housewifes & mostly of the time from a middle socio-economic strata. Some of them are single ( widow).
  • What if the surrogate does not hand over the baby after birth due to natural bonding ?
    All the surrogates, undergo extensive psychological counselling, before entering the contract and more over most of them have already completed their family.
  • Does the surrogate mother feed colustrum or breast milk to the newborn ?
  • Can an unmarried lady be an surrogate ?
    Not preferred.
  • Under whose care do the surrogates deliver ?
    Senior experienced Obstetrician.
  • What are the selection criteria for the surrogate mother ?
    Our Program strictly follows the guidelines by the ICMR.
  • Howz the mode of payment?
    Its usually into instalments. However for more details would need to get in touch with our Donor agency coordinator.
  • How can we know if our country would issue citizenship to the child born via surrogacy ?
    You need to get in touch with your Embassy regarding the rules and regulations. Most of the country need atleast one genetic link with either of the parents.
  • How long does it take for surrogate selection ?
    We have a premium program running where we do have a selected prescreened group of surrogates, to facilitate the process.
  • For how long does the process take ?
    Once screening of the surrogate mother and legal paper work is completed, usually 3 weeks.
  • Can we Skype with the surrogate ?
    Yes .
  • Can the surrogate stay with us in our house ?
    Most of them prefer to stay with their family and we provide a 24 hour, inhouse support system.
  • Who makes the surrogate legal contract ?
    We have a legal team which comprises of lawyers & advocate from Supreme & High Court of India .
  • How would we know the status of the ongoing pregnancy ?
    We have a well trained support staff who would time to time update on the progress of the pregnancy via email .
  • Can we talk to the surrogate, if we wish ?
    Yes, provided she understands the language,for most of the time, they do not understand English language.
  • Is single parenting and gay surrogacy program approved in India ?
    At present No. However we do have affiliates, outside India, where we run such a program. For further queries can mail [email protected].
  • Why choose us ?
    Economical package, transparent pricing, follows all legal regulations, prompt answers to queries, a reputed progress chart.
  • Is surrogacy done for comestic purpose ?
    Not at all. We strictly adhere to the ICMR guidelines for surrogate recruitment as well as for indications of surrogacy.
  • What’s the incidence of multifetal pregnancy ?
    We believe in take home baby live birth rate and hence prefer to have a blastocyst embryo transfer( embryo having the maximum implantation rate ) as far as possible.
  • How much does one need to pay for the next cycle, just in case the first cycle fails or one proceeds for the second cycle for a second baby ?
    This answer would depend on the no of embryos remaining for freezing. We have an excellent Frozen cycle program running with excellent pregnancy rates.
  • Can a surrogate be an egg Donar too in the same cycle ?