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FAQ's - Dr Bhavna Banga

Dr Bhavna Banga

Home FAQ’s
  • How long does it take for the procedure ?
    The semen processing takes approx 45 mins to 1 hour, after submission of the semen sample, which is most often by masturbation. It is preferred that the sample is procured within the hospital premises. After the sample is processed its takes 5-10 min for insemination.
  • How much rest is required after the procedure?
    We commonly advise a rest of 10-15 min post insemination in the hospital.
  • Can I carry my normal activities after the procedure?
    Of Course, there are no restrictions at all after the procedure.
  • Is it done under anesthesia ?
    The majority of the time, it is without anesthesia, but however, in a selected group of patients, the provision of anesthesia can be made available.
  • Is it painful?
    In most of the cases, it’s the experience like a pap test.
  • Is it done ultrasound guided?
    Usually not, but in selected cases, like H/O difficult transfers, patient request.
  • Do I need to take leave from work after the procedure?
    You may commence work the very same day.
  • Do you check rupture before IUI?
    I follow the dynamics of body physiology, that once a triggering injection for rupture is given, in the majority of the cases the follicles would rupture between 36- 48 hours. The inseminated semen sample would have viable sperms for at least minimum 48-72 hours and the viability of egg is 24 hrs.Since follicle rupture is a dynamic procedure, the exact time of rupture is very difficult to predict, however, I take the help of the LH surge kit, wherein if there is a surge on the day of ing HCG, the IUI is performed in the next 24 hours.
  • Can we get a semen sample from home?
    Seman can be brought from home, provided you reach the hospital within 30-45 mins of ejaculation. In such conditions, the doctor should be informed, so that a sterile container can be made available prior. The container containing the sample should be kept at body temperature.
  • Are my husband’s sperms only used?
    There is no room for error as all the samples are doubled witnessed.


  • What is the difference between IVF & ICSI?
    Basically, both are forms of in vitro fertilization, differing in only the method of fertilization in the embryology lab.

Mainly in IVF, the sperms and the egg are allowed to fertilize in a small petri dish and this method is very similar to the natural form of fertilization. IVF is mainly indicated when sperm parameters are normal.
ICSI, is the form of Fertilization, mainly for Male Factor fertility, where each egg is injected with the help of a fine needle with the sperm.
Indicated when the sperms parameters are deranged in count, motility, morphology.

  • How many times can one try IVF?
    There are many parameters which decide this, like the age of the female partner, clinical profile of the patient’s, previous response to IVF cycle, financial implications.

In most of the cases, 3-4 attempts can be attempted if all the parameters are in range as mentioned above.

  • Is IVF harmful?
    Basically, any surgical procedure has its inherited risk, but overall the rate of surgical complication during egg collection is minimal, as it is done ultrasound guided.
    As far as the egg making injections are concerned, they are excreted daily in urine and stools, provided the renal and kidney parameters, are normal.

As far as the OHSS is considered, the incidence of severe form is only 1-2%, which required hospitalization. The mild and moderate cases can be handled on OPD basis.

  • Are the incidence, of multifetal preg high?
    On an average the twin preg rate is 20%, the triplet is 5%, and singleton is 75%, when day 3 embryos (3), are transferred.
  • Is the incidence of birth defects high?
    Till date, millions of baby have been born across the globe, through this technology and the evidence is backing that there is no statically significant increase in the incidence of the defects.
  • How much gap must one give between 2 unsuccessful cycles?
    In the case of fresh cycles, at least 2 months and in the case of frozen cycle, 1 month.
  • It is said that the success is difficult in the first attempt! Is it true?
    The overall pregnancy rate is 30-50%, across the globe, which means around 30 -50 pts per 100 get pregnant in the first attempt.
  • Is complete bed rest advised after embryo transfer?
    The recent evidence is not backing this, however, we advise rest for 2-3 days after which they can carry their routine non-strenuous activity.
  • How much of rest is required immediately post transfer, before one leaves the hospital?
    Usually 10-15 mins.
  • When does the treatment start and how long does it take?
    There are 2 commonly used protocols, long and the short (antagonist). The short protocols start within first 3 days of the menses and the conventional long protocol starts on day 21 of the previous cycle.
  • Which protocol is better?
    Depending on the clinical case, the short protocol is preferred in donor cycle and PCOS.
  • Can embryo transfer be done under anesthesia?
    Yes, we do have the provision to be done under anesthesia.
  • Does one need to take many injections even post transfer?
    This depends on the clinic to clinic, in our clinic, we do not routinely encourage injections, except in selected cases.
  • How many times do I need to visit the hospital for ultrasounds?
    On an average 4 times.


  • Is the fertilization rate of ICSI better than IVF?
    Yes, in the case of male factor infertility.
  • What is the rate of fertilization of ICSI?
  • Does ICSI technology always need to be coupled with the testicular sperm retrieval?
    Yes, because testicular sperms are poor in the count, motility.

Frozen Embryo Replacement Program FAQ’s

  • For how long one can freeze the embryos?
    As long as 10 yrs. The results are not affected by the duration of freezing.
  • Which is stage freezing carried out?
    Day 2/3/5 embryos can be frozen. However, freezing, the embryo at the blastocyst stage is recommended.
  • Any complications of the procedure?
    In experts hands, they are negligible.
  • Are the results not as good as the fresh cycle?
    This is a myth. In Fact, the results are equal or better, when indications & expertise, are optimally matched.
  • How long does the process take?
    2-3 weeks.

Egg Donation Program FAQ’s

  • What is the age criteria for donor selection?
    Preferably 21-29 yrs.
  • What are the screening criteria?
    We strictly adhere to the ICMR guidelines.A detailed medical, family history is undertaken along with blood test to assess the physical fitness and for the screening of infectious diseases like HIV, HbsAg, HCV, VDRL.
  • Do you follow a shared donor program?
    Usually no. We use one donor for one patient only.
  • Can we get our own donor?
    No, we strictly adhere to the anonymous donor egg program.
  • Can we get a Donor according to our preferences?
    Usually, we try to select the donor profile as close as to the recipient. Certain preferences as religion, educational status etc can be catered to.
  • Are the donors married?
    We select donors who are married and have at least one normal living child.
  • How many eggs are usually targeted from a donor egg program?
    Usually 10-15 eggs.
  • How long does it take for a donor selection?
    Usually 2-3 weeks, however, we do have a premium Donor egg program running too, where in we have prescreened donors.
  • Do you have a Caucasian & African donor program?
    Yes, we do have the affiliation with Donor agencies who do provide such a facility.
  • How long does one need to stay in India ( overseas patients )?
    We can limit the stay to as short as 7-10 days, by being in touch via emails.

Embryo Donation FAQ’s

  • Is it legal in India?
  • Does the program need to be anonymous?
    As per the ICMR, guidelines, needs to be anonymous.
  • What is the difference between adoption and embryo donation?
    The recipient would have the embryo transfer into her own uterus and would nurture the child for the next 9 months, in the case of successful implantation and subsequently deliver the child, this would help her to have an emotional bonding and the social taboo of adoption would be averted. Since the confidentiality is addressed to its fullest, the society would address this child as the biological child of the couple.

The birth certificate would also have the recipient and her husband as the legal parents.[/accordion-item][accordion-item title=”Surrogacy FAQ’s”]

  • From where can I get a surrogate?
    Either you can get it from an ICMR registered Independent Donor Agency or can be in your relation eg sister, aunt etc.
  • Can we meet the surrogate mother?
    Yes of course, even prior to selection and even during the ongoing pregnancy.
  • Where does the surrogate stay once she gets pregnant?
    Depending on the terms and conditions, agreed to the initial contract period. We do have a facility of the in-house residential program for the surrogates.
  • If we choose our own surrogate mother from the relationship, do we still need to enter a legal contract?
  • From where do these surrogate mothers come?
    These are women who are basically housewife & most of the time from a middle socioeconomic strata. Some of them are single ( widow).
  • What if the surrogate does not hand over the baby after birth due to natural bonding?
    All the surrogates undergo extensive psychological counseling, before entering the contract and moreover, most of them have already completed their family.
  • Does the surrogate mother feed colostrum or breast milk to the newborn?
  • Can an unmarried lady be a surrogate?
    Not preferred.
  • Under whose care do the surrogates deliver?
    Senior experienced Obstetrician.
  • What are the selection criteria for the surrogate mother?
    Our Program strictly follows the guidelines by the ICMR.
  • What is the mode of payment?
    It’s usually into installments, add the pregnancy advances. However, for more details would need to get in touch with our Donor agency coordinator.
  • How can we know if our country would issue citizenship to the child born via surrogacy?
    You need to get in touch with your Embassy regarding the rules and regulations. Most of the country need at least one genetic link with either of the parents.
  • How long does it take for surrogate selection?
    We have a premium program running where we do have a selected prescreened group of surrogates, to facilitate the process.
  • For how long does the process take?
    Once screening of the surrogate mother and legal paperwork is completed, usually 3 weeks.
  • Can we Skype with the surrogate?
    Yes .
  • Can the surrogate stay with us in our house?
    Most of them prefer to stay with their family and we provide a 24 hour, in-house support system.
  • Who makes the surrogate legal contract?
    We have a legal team which comprises of lawyers & advocate from High Court of India.
  • How would we know the status of the ongoing pregnancy?
    We have a well-trained support staff who would time to time update on the progress of the pregnancy via email.
  • Can we talk to the surrogate, if we wish?
    Yes, provided she understands the language, for most of the time, they do not understand the English language.
  • Are single parenting and gay surrogacy program approved in India?
    At present No. However, we do have affiliates, outside India, where we run such a program. For further queries can mail [email protected].
  • Why choose us?
    The economical package, transparent pricing, follows all legal regulations, prompt answers to queries, a reputed progress chart.
  • Is surrogacy done for a cosmetic purpose?
    Not at all. We strictly adhere to the ICMR guidelines for surrogate recruitment as well as for indications of surrogacy.
  • What’s the incidence of multifetal pregnancy?
    We believe in take home baby live birth rate and hence prefer to have a blastocyst embryo transfer( embryo having the maximum implantation rate ) as far as possible.
  • How much does one need to pay for the next cycle, just in case the first cycle fails or one proceeds for the second cycle for a second baby?
    This answer would depend on the no of embryos remaining for freezing. We have an excellent Frozen cycle program running with excellent pregnancy rates.
  • Can a surrogate be an egg Donor too in the same cycle?

Male Infertility Treatment FAQ’s

  • What are causes of absent sperm count?
    Surgical removal of testis
    Post cancer treatment
    Infections affecting the testis, eg Mumps
    Undescended testis
    Chronic infiltrative diseases
    Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism ( lack of hormone release from the brain )
    Obstructive conditions like the absence of Vas Deferens or blockage in the ejaculatory ducts.
  • Can one get sperms in Non-obstructive azoospermia?
    With the invent of the advanced technology like Micro TESE, Chances of surgical sperm retrieval, under magnification with an operating microscope is increased by 40-50%, as compared to the routine testicular aspiration, or open testicular biopsy.
  • Can one use a known sperm donor?
    According to the ICMR guidelines, the donor should be anonymous.
  • Do you have the provision of the caucasian donor?
  • Where are the donor samples procured from?
    Through the sperm bank that is registered with the ICMR.
  • Criteria for sperm donor selection
    Mostly Height, hair color, eye color, complexion, education, religion (if specific )
  • Are Corrective surgeries preferred over assisted reproductive technology?
    Decisions are mainly made on the etiology and the age of the female partner.
  • For how long one should continue the antioxidants?
    Usually 3-6 Months.
  • After how long should one plan a repeat Testicular biopsy?
    Minimum 3 Months.
  • Should testosterone injections be used to increase the sperm count?
    If the couple wants fertility, then never for it would suppress the sperm formation further.