Dr Bhavna Banga

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Dear Dr Bhawna Banga

Thanks a lots to reviving our life back for giving us reason to smile. Although thankyou is very small word in return of this happiness which you have given.

I am summarizing our journey with you to motivate and guide couples like us.

We are associated with Dr. Bhawna since 2012 for infertility treatment. Considering nothing much adverse, Dr. Bhawna tried many natural cycles & three times IUI, but unfortunately it did not click.

After trying 3 years, Dr. Bhawna suggested us to go for IVF treatment and in April 2015, she transferred 3 embryo out of 5 live embryo- Other 2 embryos were freezed. Fortunately this first IVF clicked and my wife conceived with twin pregnancy. But this was not the happy ending. In the 24th week, we lost our twins due to pre term delivery. This was worst phase of our life. We felt we lost everything; every hope to become parents considering God\’s will is not in our favour.

After this incident we met Dr. Bhawna keeping in mind will go for adoption but she was not convinced with the decision and she suggested us go for surrogacy with earlier freezed embryo.

We were scared to take another chance because courage wasn\’t left within us to get disappointed once again but seeing Dr. Bhavna\’s trust, confidence we agreed.

This was our best decision in life and Now we are blessed with a cute baby girl who brought our lost smile.

Dr Bhawna gave her 100% and tried all possible way to become us parent. She is not only Dr. but next to God for us. Apart from this I feel she\’s a gem of person we hardly found such a good human being now a day.

I would like to advice couples who are going through infertility treatment that never loose your hope – have faith in God and your Dr. …Time may come where you will find nothing ahead. But trust me time will change.

At last I would again thanks to Dr. Bhawna for creating beautiful world for us. I would also thanks Mr. Avinash Kr. (Anamed Services Pvt. Ltd.), Dr. Anita Sharma /Max hospital for taking care so well and for providing excellent service during surrogacy.