Dr Bhavna Banga

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We got married in 2014 and had been trying to conceive since 2016 . We had visited so many doctors and taken countless medicines and done numerous scans and undergone IUI thrice . Yet received no results . None of the doctors ever diagnosed and made us understand our exact problem .

We were totally clueless as to what should we do next . Then a friend suggested us to meet Dr Bhavna as she herself had conceived with Dr Bhavna\’s help only .

The very first time we met her , she put us at so much ease and made us so hopeful that everything will be fine .

We got the necessary scans done and she diagnosed that I wasn\’t conceiving because of low AMH levels (0.28) . She still didn\’t let us loose hope and suggested us to go through with IVF . Due to low AMH levels , the number of eggs retrieved was very low (once it was 4 and the other time 2) .

She retrieved and froze the eggs twice and transferred the fertilized eggs (3 eggs) together  in order to increase my chances of getting pregnant . At the very first attempt at IVF ,and that too with such low levels of AMH , I conceived twins . Due to some reason one of them didn\’t get a steady heartbeat and I lost one of the two .

Dr Bhavna was always there through that difficult time and guided us to make sure the other baby is just fine . I\’m 28 weeks into my pregnancy now with a single baby and I\’m due in June now . It wasn\’t an easy pregnancy and she has always been a source of constant support .

I wish all doctors were as supportive and approachable as she is . I feel lucky to have found her and will always be grateful to her for bringing this joy into our lives .