Dr Bhavna Banga

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We know that no one can take the place of God as he is the ONLY ONE, but he has his messengers that help us to find the right way and happiness. Dr. Bhavana Banga has proved such a messenger for us. After numerous treatments in different cities, we were unable to conceive and even if we did, the baby could not survive, be it natural or IVF. There had been a lot of physical and emotional trauma that we have been through. All the doctors were at the brim of lost hope every time, and so were we owing to our medical condition, age, etc.

Being married for 9 years and nearing the 10th year was the time when we got to know about Dr. Banga. To put it first, she is an amazing human being who has great empathy for her patients and goes beyond the limit and standard process to make things happen and be successful too. She went through our medical history and prescribed the treatment and continuously stayed in touch to monitor each and everything. I still remember her words that \”Dear, I know it\’s painful, but we will make this happen\” helped a lot to overcome what had happened in the last few years. The journey that we covered from being a couple to proud parents of Twin Boys has been possible only with the right guidance, dynamic treatment, and emotional support of Dr. Bhavna. To sum up, every prick and pain feel paid off when the little one smiles or holds our finger which we had thought would be just a dream for us. Thank you Dr. Bhavana, we may not be able to tell you what you have given us and this entire journey would not have been so smooth and successful without your tremendous support and guidance.