Dr Bhavna Banga

Patient Testimonial

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Here we are Thank you from the core of our hearts for making our dream come true.
It’s been 5 years since we were praying for a kid and we did all was in our hands but we were not so lucky to have a baby till now. Thanks to my seniors who guided me on the right path\"🙏\"
You came like an angel in our life and made things possible for us with the grace of the Almighty gave us bundles of happiness. I think words will be less if I start writing about your dedication and zeal toward your work which is really incredible and commendable. I can never forget the way you were taking care of small things which a normal doctor could have ignored but you were there who actually took Care of those things as well. The result is here, we are blessed with 2 little Angels\"🙂\"
Thank you so much for everything and for bringing joy to our life.
Mr& Mrs Mir