Dr Bhavna Banga

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Dearest Bhavna Ma\’am,

Simply put you have been an angel for us to make the unbelievable so believable!! We saw the heartbeat today and it was only because of you that is was possible.

Had a large fibroid (subserous) along with a polyp, which was removed in Max successfully through laparoscopy last year beginning. Then my AMH count was found to be low for my age and had diverticular tube and inflamed tubes. I managed to conceive in my second IUI done by you after a failed IUI done outside Max. It was nothing but a miracle.

I remember in our first meeting when I had come to you with a hopeless spirit, you were very positive and said \”we are going to have a dialogue and not a monologue\”.  I think that was a complete game changer as no doctor has ever been so interactive and open in my experience so far. You have been so motivated and so innovative always ready with a plan of action for future course of action. We sat and made flowcharts to explore options with me having a say.  After the first failed IUI you seemed more determined to try better techniques to better our chance.  First IUI was extremely difficult as my uterus was perpendicular to the path of entry. You came up with a better idea to use ET catheter and other techniques to make the reach possible. You are the only doctor who was so well prepared with a plan of action as well as answers to shut me each time we met!

You replied to my texts at vague hours to dispel any doubt on medications and procedures. Very very thankful to you to keep me at peace. Never once did i lose hope.  You discussed case studies of other patients to keep me motivated. You have been a true doctor. The feeling of this achievement is still to sink in. Any number of thanks will not measure up to for what you have done for us.

Our dialogue has been successful with you! We wish you all the best and am the first one to recommend you for being a superb and technically top notch and sound fertility doctor. I would have still said this even if I had not conceived. Never treated us like just another childless couple but a guiding friend. You tried with all your heart and that was enough!

Thank you thank you thank you again!!

Will keep you posted on the developments as you are a member of our family now!