Dr Bhavna Banga

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Patient\’s Feedback

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Dear Readers

I started experiencing pre-menstrual spotting that instigated me for a routine check-up. I was diagnosed with endometriosis (a 5 cm endometrioma on my ovary). At first, it was about dealing with the sheer fact that I was not well (i have been always healthy up until now).

It was followed by phases of awareness and problem-solving phases. After a cycle, if failed IUI I was referred to Dr.Banga by my gyno. It turned out due to endometriosis I was not ovulating at all… Following which we decided that IVF was the way to go… First IVF was a chemical pregnancy (terrible heartbreak). The second attempt was a FET cycle which didn\’t take. Then we decided on the last attempt at IVF that resulted in my son (I delivered today).

I am indebted to Dr. Banga for customizing everything for my disease/situation/physiology/anatomy… The focus and positive energy that shes got have brushed up on me as well now.
I understand how infertility feels when you\’re young (I was 30 when I was diagnosed)… But I wanna give hope n love to everyone who is going through it in their own ways…
Always trust in God to show u the way… Me finding Dr. Banga was God\’s way of making me safe.
I hope to complete my family with another child. Keep me in our prayers…

Be strong guys… Its can happen…