Dr Bhavna Banga

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\”Though what we intend to convey through this write up is beyond expressions through words or gestures, we still hope that Dr. Bhavna would get a glimpse of our gratefulness towards her, for it is she through whom He showered upon us the blessing of becoming proud parents.

We got married in 2013. By the time we started planning for a family in late 2014, I started struggling with menstrual issues of extremely heavy bleeding that gradually also turned into major fertility issues. I underwent a laparoscopic surgery in Jan 2017, at the age of 30, for the removal of 9 fibroids and an ovarian cyst. This surgery also diagnosed me with blocked fallopian tubes and grade 4 endometriosis. With AMH level of 1.05 post surgery, my surgeon concluded that a natural conception was hardly on our cards. Subsequently, I and my husband visited numerous fertility specialists only to invite disappointment when even the so categorized \’experienced and popular in Delhi\’ would refuse to take up our case describing it as \’extremely challenging with below 20%\’ chances of success at even IVF. Still so young to hear all this, we were shattered until destiny routed us towards Dr. Banga.

We remember meeting her for the first time – a personality so young and charming. For the first time, we had come across a doctor cum a friend whom we could confide in, who gave us hope through her very optimistic approach. A few follow-ups with her, and she assured me that I do have a scope getting pregnant one day. With her intricate and professional approach, she performed a frozen IVF cycle on me in July 2017, and guess! the very first attempt turned out to be a success and Almighty blessed us with lovely twin daughters on February 26, 2018. Seems no less than a miracle!!

Our dear daughters keep reminding us of how much we owe to her. This Thanksgiving is just a small expression of that.

Thanks a lot! Wish you all the very best Dr. Bhavna. May you achieve great success heights. We love you.

N& J