Dr Bhavna Banga

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Dear Dr. Bhavna,

Words can’t express the appreciation we have for you for bringing the bundle of joy in our lives, still we want to take this opportunity to share our experience and express our gratitude for all your help and assistance.

Today, we are parents, and all credit goes to Almighty and Dr.Bhavna.

My journey to pregnancy was a long one. We got married in January 2012 and after trying for one year, we realized that something is wrong and we should see a doctor. However things weren’t right at first place and it took us six long years of infertility treatment and meeting various doctors among various hospitals, hopes and rejections.

During the course of infertility treatment, I was diagnosed with PCOD. After medications I became pregnant in September 2015 through IUI. However my pregnancy was not sustained post six weeks. After that as per doctor suggestion, I had undergone Hysteroscopy/Laparoscopy in  November 2016.

Medically we were told that there is increased chances post surgery, however even after surgery, I had three unsuccessful IUI procedures.

At that point of time we were dejected and took a break however we never lost hope.

Then one day through reference of one close relative we came to know about Dr.Bhavna Banga and life changed.

I remember the first day I met her. She saw all previous reports and did an Ultrasound. I will never forget her words when she did my ultrasound. She told me You have a Beautiful Uterus. I promise one day you will definitely become pregnant.” These words brought hope in our life again and I started thinking positive again.

She did my first IVF in November 2017 which was not successful. We were disappointed but did not lose hope. Statistically it is said that first time conception is likely to be little difficult though not impossible. However we gave ourselves a break and did our second attempt with a frozen embryo in May 2018, and by God Grace I conceived and blessed with a Baby Boy in January 2019.

The best thing about Dr Bhavna is that she is emotionally very supportive and available for her patients on phone/whatsapp and always gives personal attention to her patients.

We are truly grateful to her for her efforts, support, time and will and helping us in granting the best happiness a person ask for in life. We strongly recommend her for couples like us craving for the biggest happiness.

For couples going through a situation, please never lose hope, Even if there is a failed attempt trust Dr Bhavna, Please be positive and be guided by her. Take a break if there is a failed attempt, to be psychologically ready. Have a positive attitude.  We have gone through this situation for six long years, and from our experience we assure you that she is best Infertility doctor available in this region.

Once again a very big Thanks for Dr Bhavna, May God bless you with all the happiness in life, professionally and personally.