Dr Bhavna Banga

Patient Testimonial

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Our Successful Story! First Attempt IVF!

Who said God only exists in Heaven! We found our God, our belief, our trust in Dr Bhavna Banga, Infertility Specialist at Max Hospital, Panscheel.

We are married for 5 years now and were desperately trying for a baby since last 3 years. I had been suffering from PCOS & my husband had a low sperm count, since then our struggle of conceiving started. It was a very stressful journey for us, as we consulted few doctors in Gurgaon and have taken medication also. Every time we used to try, it was always a failure. My gynae suggested me to undergo few follicular studies and ovulation injection so that I can conceive. My husband also had a struggling phase, wherein he visited many doctors and took medicines also, but nothing worked out and we were losing our hope of having a baby. Life was getting hay-way, as we were not getting any positive signs. We thought a lot about it and plan to visit an Infertility specialist.

One of my friends suggested me to visit Dr Bhavna Banga, who sits in Max Panscheel, Delhi. She gave me a very positive feedback about her. With all my curiosity, I went through her complete profile and discussed it with my husband. 

We decided to go for the consultation. On seeing her, I somehow felt that we are at the right place. We told her about our medical history and also what all medication we had gone through. She listened to our story very calmly. She explained us everything in a very amicable way. Dr Bhavna completely understood what exactly I was feeling, as I was very nervous going through the IVF process. I had read a lot about IVF and was so scared to start it. But, Dr Bhavna counselled me and made me understood about the process and how comfortable the journey would be. During the long meeting with her, she repeatedly told me “ you will get pregnant, for sure and will be blessed with a beautiful child”. That statement motivated me and made me feel good about myself that yes I can also become a mother.

After coming back home, our words, her talks were so impactful, that we got prepared for IVF and surrender our journey to her. Dr Bhavna gave me an assurance that everything will be fine and you have to stay very positive for successful outcome. We met Dr Bhavna Banga again In Max Panscheel to confirm about our treatment. This time the main question we had in our mind was the commuting challenge we had to face travelling from Gurgaon to Delhi. Dr Bhavna made my journey so comfortable, she advised me to take all the injections and medication from Max Hospital, Gurgaon in order to save our time and convenience. Max, Gurgaon has all the facilities for undergoing IVF treatment.

 Initially, for few days, I started taking the injection from Max Gurgaon. The injection was painless and was very easy to inject. After few days, I used to inject it myself at home and at times, used to visit Max Gurgaon, when some different injection had to be taken.Dr Bhavna used to visit Max Gurgaon, twice in a week and we used to take the appointment with her in Gurgaon itself. One thing I would like to say about Dr Bhavna is, she takes full responsibility of the patients she takes care of. She used to always connect with me on watsapp, and used to remind me about my injections, medication and few test. I have never seen a Doctor, with so much of dedication and patience. She tracks everything in her brown diary that she carries with her, marks everything in calendar. She is always available to listen to your queries or any problems.We went ahead, IVF started, egg retrieval happened, and on her advise our Embryos transfer was done on the 03rd day. Considering all the factors, like my PCOS problem and husband low sperm count, we were afraid whether the implantation will happen or not. 15 days period ended, our first BHCG report came, and it was such a good news to see that my result came positive. Another test after 03 days and my BHGC got tripled and yes it was surely an implant. A great relief I must say. We sent the report to Dr Bhavna, and more than us she got excited & happyShe called us at the clinic and personally congratulated us and it was our first attempt and the cycle got successful. This is all because of Dr Bhavna Banga.

I would recommend couple who are looking for Infertility expert, please reach out to Dr Bhavna Banga, surrender your case to her safest hands and see the results.

I am 10 weeks pregnant now, and now we are under the supervision of Dr Deepa Dewan, well known Gynae at Max Hospital, Gurgaon, as Dr Bhavna’s treatment officially ended.

No words can express our sincere gratitude to Dr Bhavna & her team. She came as an angel in our life and blessed us with a such a wonderful thing in the world.

Our Sincere gratitude to Dr Bhavna Banga. May God bless her always! 

Thanks & regards